Climbing Wall Tag

This is an “everybody it” tag game.

Equipment and Setup:

  • Many elementary schools have climbing walls that are not higher than eight feet. These “traversing walls” can be used in this game.
  • Open part or all of the climbing wall, so students have the room to climb up and down.
  • Emphasize climbing up and down the wall.


  • Everyone is “it” to start the game.
  • Students may tag each other by using the a two-finger (peace) tag on the back of their classmates.
  • Three Second Standing Base: Players are immune from being tagged if they are standing and balancing on one foot. They can only do this for three seconds. Then, they have to move around the gym before they stand and balance on one foot again.
  • When a student is tagged they go to the wall and climb up and tap their hand above the highest handhold.
  • Then, climb back down and reenter the game.