P.E. Lesson: Flying Disc

Equipment and Set Up

  • Partners
  • One disc for each pair

Backhand Throw

  • Place your thumb on top of the disc, and your index finger on the outside edge.
  • Curl your other fingers under the rim, and grip firmly.
  • To make your throw, turn your side to your target,
  • Point your throwing elbow at your target, and step toward the target with your front foot.
  • Extend your arm, and snap your wrist as you release, pointing at the target.

Clap Catch

  • Hold hands out in front of you, one above and one below.
  • As the disc comes into your hands, “clap” it between them.
  • Keep your eyes on the disc as it comes into your hands.

Two Hand Catch

  • Both hands in front; palms out; thumbs down.
  • Bring your fingers to your thumb as disc hits hand.
  • Alternate throwing and running/catching.
  • Use the two hand catch when you can.

One Hand Catch

  • One hand in front; palm out.
  • Higher than waist; turn your thumb down. Lower than your waist; your thumb is on top.
  • Bring your fingers to your thumb as the disc hits your hand.

Under the Leg Catch

  • As the disc nears, lift 1 leg high enough for the disc to fly under.
  • Catch with 1 hand behind your leg.

Forehand Throw

  • Face your target
  • Throwing arm out to the side, away from your body.
  • Hold your thumb under the front side of the rim.
  • Curl your fingers under the front edge
  • Bring your throwing elbow to your hip.
  • Keep the disc parallel to the ground.
  • Flick your wrist as you release the disc