Basketball: Guard the Target

This a great small group activity that allows for a lot of practice passing a basketball or a softer ball for younger students.

Equipment and Setup:

  • One Basketball of Playground ball per group and one foam target.
  • Break  into groups of six to eight students.
  • Form a circle that is outside the distance of a 4 square court. Use the 4-square court if you are able to.
  • One person is in the middle, their job is to try and keep the foam target from being knocked over.


  • The players in the circle pass the ball around the outside of the circle until they see someone open that has a good shot at knocking over the target.
  • If the foam target is knocked over, the person in the center goes to the circle and those two players exchange places.
  •  Play continues with a new person in the middle.

Other Ideas: If the skill level is very high, you could add a second ball.