Setup and Equipment:
- Equipment: Hula Hoops and a sash or jersey for the “its”
- Twenty five – thirty hula hoops are spread out across the floor.
- Four – Six students are designated as “its” and stand in the middle of the gym. They will be kicking any of the hoops to try to get them to slide across the floor to hit the players that are running across the floor filled with hoops.
- The rest of the class starts the game at one end of the gym.
- This is a a tag game that lasts for one – two minutes for each set of taggers. It works best to make sure that everyone gets a turn. They really enjoy the way the hoops slide on the floor.
- The teacher starts the music and the runners will try to navigate themselves through the hoops without stepping on or being being tagged by a sliding hula hoop.
- Players that touch or are tagged on the feet by a moving hula hoop must stop running and stand frozen and balance on one foot inside of a hoop. They can be defrosted and return to playing when one of their classmates gives them a high-five.
- When the runners have made it to the other side or are frozen and balancing on one foot the teacher stops the game. When everyone is standing on the end line, restart the music and the players will try to run back their original starting line.
- Continue having students run back and fort for a couple of minutes, then choose new taggers to kick the hula hoops.
- Repeat the same game format for each new set of taggers until everyone has a turn.