Tchoukball (Chookball) Relay

Tchoukball Relay

Setup and Equipment

  • Four Tchoukball (Chookball) Frames 
  • Four balls: Playground Balls (any kind will work)
  • Four Cones red, blue, yellow, and green cones lined up facing the goal
  • Make 3 lines on the blacktop about 5 feet in front of the goals. Make a second line about 10 feet back and the third 15 – 20 feet back. Use sidewalk chalk, poly spots or jump ropes.


  • Teams are lined up facing the goals. This is a relay.  If the ball is thrown directly in the center the ball it should bounce into the air and you should try to catch it on a fly. You also get points if you catch it on one bounce.
  • The first person on each team will move the ball by running to the first, second or third lines and throw the ball at the net.  More points are earned by attempting the longer throws.

Round 1: 

  • The first person on each team will move the ball by running to the first line or spot near the goal and attempt to throw the ball at the center of the goal.
  • If the ball is thrown directly in the center the ball it should bounce into the air and you should try to catch it on a fly. You also get points if you catch it on one bounce.
  • You earn 1 point for throwing and catching it on a fly and from the first line.
  • You earn 2 points by throwing and catching it from the second line on a fly and one point if you catch it on a bounce.
  • If you throw and catch it on a fly from the three-point line you get three points. If you catch it on a bounce you get 2 points.
  • Continue for five minutes and see how many points your team can get.

Round 2: Partner

  • The first two people on each team will move the ball by running to one of the lines. One person is the thrower and one is the catcher.
  • Use the same point system as above.
    Continue for five minutes and see how many points your team can score.

Round 3: Partner Variation 

  • One partner runs up and throws the ball and the other partner tries to catch it. On each turn switch the roles of throwing and catching.

Younger Grades: For the younger grades you won’t need to do the points. They’ll just enjoy seeing how far they can bounce the ball.
Variations: Round Three: Try different balls. How about basketballs, soccer balls?

The Most Fun Wins! 

Torch Relay for Field Day

Setup and Equipment

Sixteen golf tubes, four tennis balls, various cones, stepping stones, and hula hoops, etc.

  • Four Teams lined up behind their color team cones.
  • Line up some obstacles: cones, stepping stones and hula hoops and other items that you have in a line in front of each team’s starting cone. At the opposite end of the starting cones place a second cone for half of the team.
  • This a shuttle relay, so half of each of the four teams start at opposite ends (more turns this way).
  • The first two people in each line have a torch (golf tube) to start.


  • On the signal the first person on each team moves through the obstacle course while holding their torch (golf tube) with one hand while balancing the ball on top. Two hands can be used for the younger students.
  • If they drop the ball off of the golf tube, simply pick it up and return moving across the course.
  • If someone knocks over an obstacle, they must stop and fix it before moving on their way.
  • Once they reach the other side, they pass the ball to the first person in the line and hand the golf tube to the next person in line and go to the end of the line.

 Object of the Game: How many turns can each person get? How many turns can your team get in 5 minutes?

Additional Options: Balance other types of balls or other items.

  • Can you balance the golf tube on the palm of your hand and move?
  • Can you carry two golf tubes?
  • Additional balance items also available.
  • For some of the older grades, you could also dribble a basketball, or kick a soccer ball around the obstacle course.

The Most Fun Wins!


Relays with Agility Activities

Setup and Equipment:

  • No equipment needed
  • Students line up in six (or more) lines at one end of the gym.

Traditional Relays:

  • The goal of this relay is to have each team add up the number of laps that are run in the alloted time (2 minutes or the length of a song). Then we add them together to see how many laps were run by the entire class. To add a touch of competition you can compare the totals to those of other classes.
  • Another goal is to set it up,so that the students are  encouraging each other to do their best!
  • Six or more teams are split in half and face their teammates at the opposite end. If your gym is big enough, having a team of two will get a lot of exercise quickly.
  • On the signal the music starts and the first person on each team carries a baton runs to the other end
  • Hand a baton to the person standing in line on the opposite end of the gym.
  • After running your lap, go to the end of the line and rotate as turns are taken
  • You may set an elapsed time of two minutes or complete an entire song.


  • Dribble a basketball and give a bounce pass
  • Carry a football and handoff
  • Dribble with a hockey stick and puck
  • Dribble soccer style

Agility and Movement Pattern Relays

  • The teacher tells the students different traveling patterns as they move to the other end of the gym.
  • When the student reaches the opposite wall, they return to their line by jogging outside of the running area and return to the end of the line they started from.
  • After the class has completed one of the patterns, the teacher calls out the next pattern.
  • Run: Straight to the other end
  • Run – Turn Right – Run Run to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue running.
  • Run – Turn Left – Run Run to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue running.
  • Right Hop – Turn Right: Hop to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue hopping.
  • Left Hop – Turn Left Hop to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue hopping.
  • Skip – Right Turn: Skip to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue skipping.
  • Skip – Left Turn: Skip to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue skipping.
  • Slide – Switch: Slide to the center line in the gym, then switch and slide while facing the opposite wall.
  • Grapevine – Switch: Grapevine to the center line in the gym, then switch and grapevine while facing the opposite wall.
  • Run Backward – then Forward: Run backward to the center line in the gym, then switch and run the rest of the way.