Scooters in the Gym

Setup and Equipment

  • Six to Eight Scooters
  • Set small cones in a large circle near the center of the gym to make a race track.
  • Line up each team at each of the sides of the ‘circular “track”

Guidelines for Indy 500

  • This will be a race around the outside of the cones. You’ll be lining up like it’s a 400 meter relay on the track.
  • Break into pairs by your team’s cone. The partner can only push when traveling around the curves. The driver has to  glide or make themselves move on the straightaways.
  • When you get back to your starting part, change places or let your other partners take a turn. Continue taking turns moving around the track.
  • How many laps can your team do in five, or maybe 10 minutes?

Glide Control

  • Two partners from each team line up at the black line in the front of the gym. One is standing, the other is sitting on the scooter.
  •  On the teacher’s signal, the person in back leans down low and pushes their scooter partner towards the climbing wall;
  • When they hit the wall or calmly stop before hitting the wall, pick up the scooter and run it back to the front of the line
  • The scooter is handed off to the next people in line and they now go to the end of the line.

Parachute and Scooters

Setup and Equipment:

  • Six to eight of the three wheeled scooters.
  • If there are eight scooters, then each of the four teams will have two scooters.
  • Spread out around the parachute and do the merry-go-round by having everyone turn and skip in one direction. Then,stop and go in the opposite direction.
  • Six to eight people start moving under the parachute in the same directions as the parachute is moving.
  • Practice moving the parachute up and down.
    Choose six people to get a scooter and go under the parachute and begin moving around.
  • Whenever the parachute changes direction, the scooters should also change direction. Start walking or skipping, then change directions and moving the parachute up and down.
  • Whenever the parachute stops, the scooters can spin around or move any direction they want to.
  • After a couple of minutes change places, so everyone gets a turn under the parachute.

Scooters, Parachute in the Gym

Setup and Equipment:

  • Six to Eight Scooters
  • Set small cones in a large circle near the center of the gym to make a race track.
  • Line up each team at each of the sides of the ‘circular “track”

Guidelines for Indy 500

  • This will be a race around the outside of the cones. You’ll be lining up like it’s a 400 meter relay on the track.
  • Break into pairs by your team’s cone. The partner can only push when traveling around the curves. The driver has to  glide or make themselves move on the straightaways.
  • Whe you get back to your starting part, change places or let your other partners take a turn. Continue taking turns moving around the track.
  • How many laps can your team do in five, or maybe 10 minutes?

Glide Control

  • Two partners from each team line up at the black line in the front of the gym. One is standing, the other is sitting on the scooter.
  •  On the teacher’s signal, the person in back leans down low and pushes their scooter partner towards the climbing wall;
  • When they hit the wall or calmly stop before hitting the wall, pick up the scooter and run it back to the front of the line
  • The scooter is handed off to the next people in line and they now go to the end of the line.

Parachute and Scooter Activity

  • Spread out around the parachute and do the merry-go-round by having everyone turn and skip in one direction.
  • Choose one group to get a scooter and go under the parachute.
  • Parachute Commands
    • Shoetops
    • Raise the chute up as high as you can.
    • Snap Bring the chute down as fast as you can.
  • All scooters should be out by the count of three.
  • Continue taking turns by calling different color teams: red,blue, yellow and green.
  • Whenever the parachute changes direction, the scooters should also change direction. Start walking or skipping, then change directions and moving the parachute up and down.
  • Whenever the parachute stops, the scooters can spin around or move any direction they want to.
  • After a couple of minutes change places, so everyone gets a turn under the parachute.


Field Day Supply List

Tug of War 

  • One Tug of War rope that has four ropes that are red, blue, yellow and green.
  • Cones are set up around in a 4 foot square with one cone in the center.
  • Each color team lines up and holds their color team’s rope.

Potato Sack Relays

  • 4 Potato sacks
  • 4 cones: red, blue, yellow, green
  • Red cone is  10-15 feet across from yellow – that’s one team
  • Blue Cone is 10-15 feet across from green – that’s the other team
  • Line up relay style behind the cones. (Shorter distance to start (10-15 feet)

Pass the Ball: Team Relays

  • One red, blue, yellow, and green cone. Balls: Playground, Medicine, Other shapes and sizes
  • Teams line up behind the cone of their color team for directions

Tkouchball Bounce

  • Four balls: Playground Balls (any kind will work)
  • Two to Four Tchoukball Goals
  • Four Cones or Polyspots that match our red, blue, yellow, and green teams. Line up behind your color facing the goals.

Fill the Bucket

  • Four Cones for red, blue, yellow, green teams.
  • Water faucet and hose near this station.
  • Large container for holding water to dip from.
  • Four Pails for filling
  • Cups for dipping and passing the water.
  • Line up behind cones that match color team

Water Balloon Toss

  • Water balloons filled with water. The smaller size works fine. Fill and store in laundry baskets.

Pass the Ball Relays

Setup and Equipment: 

  • Four Playground Balls: Red, blue, yellow, green
  • Four Medicine Balls
  • Four other balls of different shapes and sizes.
  • Two long ropes to lay down at one end for the finish line.

Guidelines: Teams line up behind the cone of their color team for directions

Round One: Over Under Relay

The object is to be the first team to cross the finish line.

  • Teams members line up in a line facing the finish line. Put a little space between them each other, so they can pass a ball behind each other down the line.
  • The first person on each team raises the ball above their head.
  • Leader says, “Go”
  • The starting person on each team passes the ball between their legs, the person behind then raises the ball above their head and the over/under pattern continues until the last person gets it.
  • When the ball gets to the last person in the line, that person runs all the way back up to the front, which will move the line forward. The pattern of over/under passing continues until all of the teams cross the finish line at the opposite end.
  • Or you can see how many turns they can get in 3 minutes.
  • The Most Fun Wins!

Round Two: Boulder Passing (medicine ball)

  • Teams stand in a line next to each other. Leave enough room for side to side passing:
  • The ball again starts in the front, but this time the ball will be pass from side to side.
  • When the ball gets to the last person in the line, that person runs all the way back up to the front, where the pattern of over/under passing continues until all of the teams cross the finish line.

Round Three: Hot Potato Passing

  • Teams stand in a line facing the front. Leave enough room to turn around and pass the hot potato!
  • The ball again starts in the front, as soon as you are handed the ball quickly turn around and hand off the hot potato to the person in back of you.
  • When the ball gets to the last person in the line, they run all the way back up to the front, with the ball barely touching their hands. 
  •  When all of the teams have crossed the finish line, the activity is over.

Round Four: Ball Toss Relay

  • Line up the four teams from the starting line to the finish line. Space the teams out so they have to toss the ball between them.
  • At the signal each team begins throwing and catching the ball to see which team can have their ball pass the line first.

Other Ideas 

  • Mix up the teams
  • Use other size balls

Coffee Sack Relays

Setup and Equipment

  • 4 coffee sacks
  • 4 cones: red, blue, yellow, green
  • 2 polyspots: red, blue, yellow, green
  • Teams line up behind the polyspot in relay style facing their cone.  The cones for each team are placed 10 to 15 feet away from across the starting polyspot
  • Change the length if it’s too long or too short after each group

Round One: Individual Coffee Sack Hop

  • One sack for each team
  • 1st player on each team puts both feet in the sack and hold the top of the sack.
  • “Go” Jump until they get to the cone, then go around the cone and give the sack to the next player
  • Give a high five to the 1st person on that team, who begins jumping to the other side.
  • Hand off the sack to the next person in line, then go to the end of the line.
  • When everyone on the team has returned to their starting positions, they should sit down.

Round Two: Individual Coffee Sack:  (A. Sideways B. Backwards) You May Want to do this is separate events.

  • Stand with both feet inside, but try to move sideways first turn and backwards on your second turn.
  • “Go” Students move until they get to the line on the other side.
  • Give a high five to the next person in line, who begins moving to the other side.
  • Hand off the sack to the next person in line, then go to the end of the line.
  • When everyone on the team has returned to their starting position a second time, they should sit down.

Round Three: 3-legged race

  • One sack for each team
  • 1st and 2nd person on each team are partners
  • Stand next to each other and pull a sack up on the legs that are next to each other. This is the third leg.
  • “Go” Move until they get to the cone and make a turn around the cone and back to the start. 
  • Give a high five to the next two people on that team, who begin moving to the other side in the same manner.
  • Hand off the sack to the next two people in line, then they go to the end of the line.
  • When everyone on the team has returned to their starting positions, they should sit down.

Variations: Can you do a four legged race, a five legged race?

 The Most Fun Wins!



Fill the Bucket!

Setup and Equipment:

  • Four empty water buckets: One for each team at the opposite end (20 ft.)
  • One big container of water in the middle
  • 16: Small cups to carry the water in
  • One red, blue, yellow, and green cones or spots to designate teams.
  • Line up, relay style behind the cones, with all teams facing  the buckets at the other end.

Round One: Run to fill the Bucket:

  • Teams line up behind the cone or spot of their color team for directions:
  • The first person on each team has a cup to carry water in.
  • “Go”
  • Run to the center water container, dip your cup to get some water, now run to the bucket at the opposite end and dump it into the bucket.
  • Run back, hand the cup off to the next person in line and go to the end of the line.
  • Continue until one team fills the bucket.
  • Remember the most fun WINS!
  • When the cup gets to the last person in the line, they run all the way back up to the front, where the pattern of over/under passing continues.
  •  When everyone on the team has returned to their starting positions, they should sit down.
  • Continue to take as many turns as you can in five minutes.
  • You can do some comparison of the buckets to see who has the most, if it seems important to the group.

 Round Two: Bucket Brigade:

  • Team members stand side to side, next to each other:
  • One full bucket at one end. One empty bucket at the other end.
  • “Go”
  • Pass the full cup of water down your line, passing side to side.
  • When it gets to the last person in line, they put the water in the bucket, then run with the empty cup to the opposite end and fill the cup with water and send it down the line.
  • You may want to add additional cups, to fill the bucket faster.

Additional Ideas: If you finish the relays, you could repeat one of them, to see if they could do it faster.

Pass the Water over your head and to the person behind You.                           Good for Hot Day!



Four-Way Tug of War

Four Way Tug of War

four way tug of warSetup and Equipment.

  • One Tug of War rope that has four ropes that are red, blue, yellow and green.
  • Cones are set up around in a 4 foot square with one cone in the center.
  • Each team lines up and holds their color team’s rope.


  • Everyone lines up and grabs their team’s rope
  • Make sure the teams are lined up, (like the picture above), so their weight is evenly distributed.
  • Leader stands near the center and gradually have the teams start to pull the rope towards them.
  • The object of this game is to have the center square of the rope move past the designated square identified by the cones.
  • When this area is breached, the game stops and each rope is rotated to the right, so they are now replacing the team that was on their immediate right.
  • A new game of tug of war begins…


  • Mix teams by having the last two people on each team move to the team on the right and move to the front of that line.