Warmup: Bank/Lake


Setup and Equipment

  • Use the lines in the gym to designate a large area in the gym that is the lake.
  • You may want to add some ropes to corners of squares to make the lake wider.


  • Students will be moving around the bank of the lake. They’ll need to follow the teacher’s directions.
  • When the teacher says, “lake” jump with 2 feet into the lake.
  • When the teacher says, “bank” jump with both feet, but land on one foot and balance.
  • Use locomotor skills: walk, power walk, jog, skip, grapevine, funny walk, backwards walk
  • Occasionally say lake, when you’re in the lake and bank when you’re already on the bank.

This is a fun warmup, so just jump to the right place whenever you were fooled with the direction.



Calling Hogs

Setup and Equipment

  • The class divides into partners and meet at the center of the gym.

  • Blindfolds are optional.


  • The object of this activity is to find your partner by using a common two syllable word or two word combination.
  • Partners work together to come up with a unique hog call. One partner says the 1st half and the other partner says the second half. Today’s word combination will be a sport or physical activity.
  • Examples:
    • Tennis Serve
    • Ice Skating
    •  Jog – ging
  • On the signal, “Bumpers Up”. Partners place the palms of their hands over their eyes and extend their elbows forward.
  • Partners turn around and begin walking to the opposite end of the gym.
  • Stop on the teacher’s signal, then turn around so partners are facing each other..
  • Keep your “Bumpers Up” and try to find your partner using your hog call.
  • When you find your partner, open your eyes and open your eyes and move to the perimeter.
  • Walk clockwise and chat with your partner about some of your favorite ways to exercise.


Alternative Activity: Animal Sound

Setup and Equipment

  • The class divides into groups of four or five and meet together to come up with an animal sound. For example: Cows, sheep, chickens, cats, dogs.

  • Spread around the gym and mix up all of the groups.


  • On the teachers signal, “Bumpers Up” and try to find all of the animals in your groups using your animal signs only.
  • When you find your group, open your eyes and move to the perimeter.
  • Walk clockwise and chat with your group about some of your favorite ways to exercise outdoors?

Hoop Driving

Equipment and Setup:

  • One Hula Hoop for each student.
  • Set cones (at least four) up as the outline for the circle.
  • Spread students out in a large circle that allow for student movement.


  • Today you are going  be driving a car with a large steering wheel (hula hoop).
  • Hold your hoop in front of you, like you’re driving a car.
  • First, you must learn the rules of the road as you move your car around the cones on “Gym Street”.

Music Playlist and Directions:

  1. Car Start and Drive Away Snow: Turn the key or tell Siri to start it: Start your engine! 
  2. Grease: RED Light – Stop – Stop your car and wait.
  3. You Make Me Feel Like DancingSchool Zone – Skipping happily!
  4. You Can’t Stop the Beat: Yellow light – Move slowly 
  5. I’m a Gummy Bear: Tunnel –  Walk low to the floor 
  6. Don’t Stop: STOP – Stop your car
  7. Life Is a Highway: Highway – Move faster, jogging and running
  8. Yakety Yak: Oil Slick – It’s very slippery, so be careful. Quick turns 
  9. Sirens-Remix (Sound Effect) Highway Police! – Pull over to the right.
  10. I’m Walkin’:  Flat Tire – Hop on one foot
  11. Banana Song (From the Minion Movie): Potholes – leap over the holes
  12. Vehicle Reversing Beep: Reverse – Walk backwards
  13. Happy: School Zone – Skip backwards in Reverse



Warmup: Toe Knee Chestnut

Equipment and Setup:

Go to the Learning Station Web Site for the Original Movements and Lyrics.

1. Tony Chestnut knows I love you.   Point to your toes, knees, chest, head, nose, eyes, heart and straight ahead.

2. Tony knows.  (Tony knows.) Point to your toes, knees and nose.

3. Tony Chestnut knows I love you.  Point to your toes, knees, chest, head, nose, eyes, heart and straight ahead.

4. That’s what Tony knows. Point to your toes, knees and nose.

5. Tony, Tony and his sister Eileen.  Stand and balance on one foot,  then lean to the right.

6. And Eileen loves Neil and Neil loves Pat.  Everyone lean to the right, kneel and pat your bottom.

7. But Pat still loves Bob. Bob your head up and down.

8. And there’s Russell and Skip.  Rustle up your hair, then one skip and hold a balance on one foot.

9. This song is silly, but it’s hip. Make a silly face (thumbs in ears and wiggle fingers), then stick out your right hip.

10. How it ends, just one man knows. Shake your end, hold up one finger, point to self, then flex your muscles.

11. And guess what (what), it’s Tony Chestnut.  Finger next to head (thinking).  Point to your toes, knees, chest and head.

  • Music will begin to move faster…
  • Repeat the lyrics and movements.

Tony Chestnut

From the CD, Tony Chestnut & Fun Time Action Songs

Copyright 1997, Monopoli/The Learning Station


Warmup: Takeoff and Land

Equipment and Setup:

  • Music for Airplane Travel
  • Cones spread out in front of walls, so students move in a circle.


  • Students spread out in the gym in a large circle.
  • Teacher says,”Pilots, start your engines”.
  • Students spread out their arms with one knee on the floor.
  • Teacher says,” Fasten your seatbelts and prepare, for takeoff”.
  • Students fasten seatbelts and begin to slowly walk a bit faster.
  • Teacher says,”Cruising Altitude”.
  • Students glide their arms through the air, while jogging.
  • Teacher says, “Prepare for landing”.
  • Students begin to slow down and lower their arms.
  • Teacher says,” Wheels on the ground”.
  • Students slow down and come to a complete stop.

Warmup: Meet and Greet

Setup and Equipment

  • Class breaks into partners – It works well to play music, then stop the music and have students stand back to back with someone near them.
  • Line up two lines with equal numbers of students
  • Initially you may want to  put Poly spots  down so that students are spread out equally.


  • Stand facing your partner with the middle line in the gym between you.
  • On the teacher’s signal, you will run to the wall in back of you, touch the wall,  and return to face your partner.
  • Each time you meet, the teacher will add a simple physical task for you to complete.
  • These activities will be cumulative. So, it is important to remember each task.

Here’s a Start:

  • High-five R hands
  • High-five L hands
  • Jump and turn 360°
  • Jumping high-ten
  • Elbow turn R and L
  • Do si do
  • Create your own

Relays with Agility Activities

Setup and Equipment:

  • No equipment needed
  • Students line up in six (or more) lines at one end of the gym.

Traditional Relays:

  • The goal of this relay is to have each team add up the number of laps that are run in the alloted time (2 minutes or the length of a song). Then we add them together to see how many laps were run by the entire class. To add a touch of competition you can compare the totals to those of other classes.
  • Another goal is to set it up,so that the students are  encouraging each other to do their best!
  • Six or more teams are split in half and face their teammates at the opposite end. If your gym is big enough, having a team of two will get a lot of exercise quickly.
  • On the signal the music starts and the first person on each team carries a baton runs to the other end
  • Hand a baton to the person standing in line on the opposite end of the gym.
  • After running your lap, go to the end of the line and rotate as turns are taken
  • You may set an elapsed time of two minutes or complete an entire song.


  • Dribble a basketball and give a bounce pass
  • Carry a football and handoff
  • Dribble with a hockey stick and puck
  • Dribble soccer style

Agility and Movement Pattern Relays

  • The teacher tells the students different traveling patterns as they move to the other end of the gym.
  • When the student reaches the opposite wall, they return to their line by jogging outside of the running area and return to the end of the line they started from.
  • After the class has completed one of the patterns, the teacher calls out the next pattern.
  • Run: Straight to the other end
  • Run – Turn Right – Run Run to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue running.
  • Run – Turn Left – Run Run to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue running.
  • Right Hop – Turn Right: Hop to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue hopping.
  • Left Hop – Turn Left Hop to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue hopping.
  • Skip – Right Turn: Skip to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue skipping.
  • Skip – Left Turn: Skip to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue skipping.
  • Slide – Switch: Slide to the center line in the gym, then switch and slide while facing the opposite wall.
  • Grapevine – Switch: Grapevine to the center line in the gym, then switch and grapevine while facing the opposite wall.
  • Run Backward – then Forward: Run backward to the center line in the gym, then switch and run the rest of the way.

Dribble to 100

Equipment and Setup:

  • Floor is setup in a scattered fashion with polyspots and basketballs for dribbling. Use soccer balls for “Soccer Style Dribble to 100”.

Skill Lesson:

  • Students go to a spot and dribble a basketball ten times on ten different spots.  Soccer Style Dribble to 100: Simply trap the ball on 10 different spots.
  • After completing one hundred dribbles, go the teacher and give a High Five (fist bump, etc).
  • Begin dribbling around the outside of the dribbling area. Soccer Style Dribble to 100: Simply dribble the soccer ball around the perimeter of the gym.
  • Adjust skills by asking students to use dominant hand, non-dominant hand, and crossover dribble. Similar Variations can also be added for Soccer Style Dribble to 100.