Scooters, Parachute in the Gym

Setup and Equipment:

  • Six to Eight Scooters
  • Set small cones in a large circle near the center of the gym to make a race track.
  • Line up each team at each of the sides of the ‘circular “track”

Guidelines for Indy 500

  • This will be a race around the outside of the cones. You’ll be lining up like it’s a 400 meter relay on the track.
  • Break into pairs by your team’s cone. The partner can only push when traveling around the curves. The driver has to  glide or make themselves move on the straightaways.
  • Whe you get back to your starting part, change places or let your other partners take a turn. Continue taking turns moving around the track.
  • How many laps can your team do in five, or maybe 10 minutes?

Glide Control

  • Two partners from each team line up at the black line in the front of the gym. One is standing, the other is sitting on the scooter.
  •  On the teacher’s signal, the person in back leans down low and pushes their scooter partner towards the climbing wall;
  • When they hit the wall or calmly stop before hitting the wall, pick up the scooter and run it back to the front of the line
  • The scooter is handed off to the next people in line and they now go to the end of the line.

Parachute and Scooter Activity

  • Spread out around the parachute and do the merry-go-round by having everyone turn and skip in one direction.
  • Choose one group to get a scooter and go under the parachute.
  • Parachute Commands
    • Shoetops
    • Raise the chute up as high as you can.
    • Snap Bring the chute down as fast as you can.
  • All scooters should be out by the count of three.
  • Continue taking turns by calling different color teams: red,blue, yellow and green.
  • Whenever the parachute changes direction, the scooters should also change direction. Start walking or skipping, then change directions and moving the parachute up and down.
  • Whenever the parachute stops, the scooters can spin around or move any direction they want to.
  • After a couple of minutes change places, so everyone gets a turn under the parachute.


Field Day Supply List

Tug of War 

  • One Tug of War rope that has four ropes that are red, blue, yellow and green.
  • Cones are set up around in a 4 foot square with one cone in the center.
  • Each color team lines up and holds their color team’s rope.

Potato Sack Relays

  • 4 Potato sacks
  • 4 cones: red, blue, yellow, green
  • Red cone is  10-15 feet across from yellow – that’s one team
  • Blue Cone is 10-15 feet across from green – that’s the other team
  • Line up relay style behind the cones. (Shorter distance to start (10-15 feet)

Pass the Ball: Team Relays

  • One red, blue, yellow, and green cone. Balls: Playground, Medicine, Other shapes and sizes
  • Teams line up behind the cone of their color team for directions

Tkouchball Bounce

  • Four balls: Playground Balls (any kind will work)
  • Two to Four Tchoukball Goals
  • Four Cones or Polyspots that match our red, blue, yellow, and green teams. Line up behind your color facing the goals.

Fill the Bucket

  • Four Cones for red, blue, yellow, green teams.
  • Water faucet and hose near this station.
  • Large container for holding water to dip from.
  • Four Pails for filling
  • Cups for dipping and passing the water.
  • Line up behind cones that match color team

Water Balloon Toss

  • Water balloons filled with water. The smaller size works fine. Fill and store in laundry baskets.

EDST 0602 Field Day

The Hello and Goodbye Field Day 
Thursday, June 2nd at 4:00
Edison Elementary School  1328 E. 22nd Ave.

U of O students enter in back of the school, at the gate off of Emerald Street side. We will meet in the gym.

Each student will check in and be given a sticker that will designate where they’ll start for our field day.

A “hello” warmup activity will start the celebration, then we’ll break into groups and begin the stations.

Each station lasts for fifteen minutes. Music will play for each station, a transition song will play when it is time to transition to the next station. Each group moves up to the next highest number until you get to six. After station six, teams will go to station number one.

* Those students who are assisting with running the activity should arrive 45 minutes early.

Field Day Links

  1. Fill the Bucket
  2. Water Balloon Toss
  3. 4-Way Tug of War
  4. Pass the Ball Relays Partner Ball Relays
  5. Tkouchball Bounce
  6. Scooters: Indy 500  Scooters and Parachute


Additional Activities:

Parachute Activities for Field Day

Coffee Sack Relays


Scooter Freeze Tag

Equipment and Setup:

  • Scooters and pool noodles or yarn balls for tagging.


  • Choose “its” for the game, they each get a pool noodle  and go the center circle in the gym to start the game.
  • The class is split in half.  Each half  is lined up behind the black lines at each end of the gym.
  • When the music starts, students move in their preferred fashion, or the teacher can designate backwards, forwards, both knees on, etc.
  • The music starts and everyone tries to get to the opposite end without getting tagged. If they do get tagged, they flip the scooters over and kneel down with one knee up and one knee down. They are defrosted when someone gives them a high five.
  • After one to two minutes pick new “its”



Peer Teaching EDST 440

PEER Teaching in the Gym

 A Successful Activity in the gym: has most students engaged and their mood is lifted by music, physical activity, and positive relationships with their classmates.

Gym Homes and Color Teams:

Since we have the gym homes set up for this class, this is generally the best place to have your students sit for instructions. When you are teaching or even student teaching, you would be wise to create gym homes and color teams for them. If you go to this much trouble, you might also consider organizing your classroom with the same format. I do balance the color teams with an equal number of boys and girls on each team,


Music has the ability to change the mood of a class. It is also a great way to nonverbally signal when an activity begins or ends. It has untapped potential in assisting with management in the classroom too. When you want students to put everything away and be ready for transition, use a 30 second song. Then the song is running your class and not the teacher. Also, it’s a good stress manager for the teacher if you like the music too!

Tag Games:

Make sure all tag games have a way for students to get back in the game after the tag. This is essential for creating a fun atmosphere, because students aren’t just getting each other out, they are getting them back in the game. Partner tag games may have the highest level of participation and many require no equipment. Also, if you have old stuffed animals, they make for very popular taggers.

Here’s the color scheme that we use in the gym, It is also used by the major P.E. suppliers, so you can often have equipment that is the same color as the teams, which makes for much easier transitions.







 When You’re teaching: Connecting to previous experiences improves the pace of understanding:

When teaching in the gym it is helpful to connect a new activity to a previous one. It makes for quicker understanding. For example you might say, “You remember when we held a parachute in a circle in the center of the gym. Let’s make a circle about the same size”.

When teaching university students, we also have many common experiences during the term, so when you are peer teaching it will lead to quicker understanding if you can refer to a previous game or activity that has some similar attributes. This is one reason why student teaching is more difficult than your first year of teaching (though obviously much shorter). When you are student teaching you do not have the common learning experiences that the regular teacher has with the class. So it’s hard to overcome student comments like, “That’s not how the teacher does this”. When you have your own classroom you are connected to everything that happens and you will be better able to build off of previous learning.


When you’re teaching in the gym it often helps to have a small group of students do a demonstration. It is amazing how seeing (nonverbally) the activity in action improves the understanding of the activity or game. If it’s a tag game you should visually demonstrate the two-finger peace tag on the back of a classmate. For additional reinforcement you may want to have everyone in class show the teacher how you tag people.

Classroom and P.E. Nonverbals:

If you find yourself repeated a verbal directive, look for a way to change it to a nonverbal. If you excuse students from class by saying the name of a group, just write the name on a piece of tag paper and hold it up instead. In our gym we put the color team names on the wall and use a laser pointer to point and excuse them. It’s quieter and kids respond more quickly to visual information and something that is unique, like a laser pointer.