Setup and Equipment:
- No equipment needed
- Students line up in six (or more) lines at one end of the gym.
Traditional Relays:
- The goal of this relay is to have each team add up the number of laps that are run in the alloted time (2 minutes or the length of a song). Then we add them together to see how many laps were run by the entire class. To add a touch of competition you can compare the totals to those of other classes.
- Another goal is to set it up,so that the students are encouraging each other to do their best!
- Six or more teams are split in half and face their teammates at the opposite end. If your gym is big enough, having a team of two will get a lot of exercise quickly.
- On the signal the music starts and the first person on each team carries a baton runs to the other end
- Hand a baton to the person standing in line on the opposite end of the gym.
- After running your lap, go to the end of the line and rotate as turns are taken
- You may set an elapsed time of two minutes or complete an entire song.
- Dribble a basketball and give a bounce pass
- Carry a football and handoff
- Dribble with a hockey stick and puck
- Dribble soccer style
Agility and Movement Pattern Relays
- The teacher tells the students different traveling patterns as they move to the other end of the gym.
- When the student reaches the opposite wall, they return to their line by jogging outside of the running area and return to the end of the line they started from.
- After the class has completed one of the patterns, the teacher calls out the next pattern.
- Run: Straight to the other end
- Run – Turn Right – Run Run to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue running.
- Run – Turn Left – Run Run to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue running.
- Right Hop – Turn Right: Hop to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue hopping.
- Left Hop – Turn Left Hop to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue hopping.
- Skip – Right Turn: Skip to the center line in the gym, make a complete right turn, then continue skipping.
- Skip – Left Turn: Skip to the center line in the gym, make a complete left turn, then continue skipping.
- Slide – Switch: Slide to the center line in the gym, then switch and slide while facing the opposite wall.
- Grapevine – Switch: Grapevine to the center line in the gym, then switch and grapevine while facing the opposite wall.
- Run Backward – then Forward: Run backward to the center line in the gym, then switch and run the rest of the way.