Pac-Person Tag

Setup and Equipment:

  • Yarn balls (taggers)
  • Connecting lines on the gym floor
  • Chose 4-6 people to be the ghosts (taggers)
  • Everyone else spreads themselves out with both feet on a line on the gym floor.


  • Four to six students are the ghosts and they can move anywhere in the gym and try to tag the Pac-people. If you have the class divided into six groups, then you can have students from one group at a time be the taggers.
  • The pac-people can only move while they are on the lines on the floor. For gym floors that do not have a lot of lines, you may need to allow some jumping from one line to another.
  • When one of the pac-people are tagged by a ghost, they stop and balance on one foot and raise their hand in the air.
  • To be freed from this frozen position, one of their fellow pac-people will give them a high five. They can now return to the game.
  • After one or two minutes, stop the game and choose new “ghosts”


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Hoop Driving

Equipment and Setup:

  • One Hula Hoop for each student.
  • Set cones (at least four) up as the outline for the circle.
  • Spread students out in a large circle that allow for student movement.


  • Today you are going  be driving a car with a large steering wheel (hula hoop).
  • Hold your hoop in front of you, like you’re driving a car.
  • First, you must learn the rules of the road as you move your car around the cones on “Gym Street”.

Music Playlist and Directions:

  1. Car Start and Drive Away Snow: Turn the key or tell Siri to start it: Start your engine! 
  2. Grease: RED Light – Stop – Stop your car and wait.
  3. You Make Me Feel Like DancingSchool Zone – Skipping happily!
  4. You Can’t Stop the Beat: Yellow light – Move slowly 
  5. I’m a Gummy Bear: Tunnel –  Walk low to the floor 
  6. Don’t Stop: STOP – Stop your car
  7. Life Is a Highway: Highway – Move faster, jogging and running
  8. Yakety Yak: Oil Slick – It’s very slippery, so be careful. Quick turns 
  9. Sirens-Remix (Sound Effect) Highway Police! – Pull over to the right.
  10. I’m Walkin’:  Flat Tire – Hop on one foot
  11. Banana Song (From the Minion Movie): Potholes – leap over the holes
  12. Vehicle Reversing Beep: Reverse – Walk backwards
  13. Happy: School Zone – Skip backwards in Reverse



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Knee Tag

Knee Tag: Everybody It

Setup and Equipment: No equipment needed.


  • This is an “Everybody It” Game:
  • The object of this game is to tag other players on the knee
  • If you get tagged on the knee, you immediately go down to one knee and extend a hand. You may continue playing the game after a classmate gives you a “five” with their hand.
  • Variation: You may have students do a 5 second or 5 repetition exercise such as push-ups, sit-ups, etc.
  • You are immune from getting tagged whenever you are standing still with your hands covering your knees. This is the same as standing on a base in many other tag games.
  • Players may only have hands on knees for three seconds, then they have to move.
  • You may not move or run with hands on your knees.
  • This is continuous game.
  • Speed Up Variation: To add some excitement near the end of the activity– The Teacher stops the music and asks everyone to raise their hands in the air. For the next minute you cannot cover your knees so there are no bases and the other tag rules remain.
  • After a minute is up, stop the music and everyone returns to the regular Knee Tag rules.
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Soccer Activities in the Gym

Floor is setup in a scattered fashion with polyspots, domes, hula hoops and balls (in hula hoops)

Dot Stop:

  • Warmup: Students get a ball and begin to dribble with their feet anywhere in the playing area.
  • On Teacher’s signal students trap the ball on as many different polyspots as possible
  • Each time they trap a ball on a spot they earn one point
  • After one minute, check with students to see how many points they earned
  • Repeat activity to see if they can improve their score
  • Add targets (used in Take a Chance Games)
  • If a target is knocked over they lose a point

Zero Ball:

  • Students get a ball and begin to dribble with their feet anywhere in the playing area.
  • At the beginning of this activity the students have zero points
  • The object of this game is to have zero points at the end of the game
  • Music starts and students dribble at any speed they chose
  • When the music stops, they are expected to trap the ball under one foot
  • The students get a point if they are unable to trap the ball within the teacher’s count of one, two.
  • A point is also earned for bumping another ball or bumping a cone
  • After playing for awhile, start the game back at zero points again

Close the Tunnel

  • Students get a ball and begin to dribble with their feet in the playing area
  • On teacher’s signal – half of the students stand in a wide straddle position.
  • These “tunnel” may pass aball to themselves in the air, while the other students are dribbling their balls.
  • The other half of the students will dribble their balls on the floor, and attempt to pass a ball through as many tunnels as possible.
  • The “tunnel” students should count how many balls pass through their legs.
  • When five balls have passed through a tunnel, that tunnel is closed and feet are together.
  • When all of the tunnels are close students change positions.
  • Teacher may time students, then see if they can improve the time it takes to shut down all of the tunnels.
  • Variation: Tunnels open and close (jumping jack style)

Driving with Style:

  • As the students are dribbling on the floor they must follow the following driving rules:
  • Going for a Drive = Dribble in area
  • Stop Light = Trap the ball
  • Around the block = Dribble around hoop
  • Flat Tire = Stop ball with stomach
  • Out of Gas = Toss and catch the ball
  • Race Car = Dribble faster, but in control
  • Delivery Truck = Dribble around a cone and back
  • Parking Lot = Leave your ball and get a new one
  • Rush Hour = Dribble while changing lanes often
  • Curvy Road = Dribble in a curvy pattern
  • Hilly Road = Dribble four to five touches, then trap
  • Billboards = Keep eyes up


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Warmup: Toy Story

Equipment and Setup:

  • The Music from the movie:  Toy Story Infinity and Beyond
  • Students spread out in Scatter Formation
  • You may want to set up cones to designate the area that you want the students moving around


  • The students first must chose which of the toys from the Toy Story movies they want to be.   Common choices are: Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Potato Head, Army soldiers, Woody, and Barbie. If they haven’t seen any of the movies, they can just chose the name of any toy.
  • Start the music and the Teacher  says, “All Clear”.
  • Now, the students begin moving around the gym as a character in the movie.
  • When the music stops and the teacher says,  “Andy’s coming”, students should freeze in position and continue to look like their character.
  • You may have students guess what character their classmates are imitating when they are frozen.
  • Continue stopping and starting with the “All Clear” and “Andy’s coming” signals.
  • You can change levels (low/high) or locomotor skills such as skipping, hopping, galloping, walking slowly, or running.


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Warmup: Toe Knee Chestnut

Equipment and Setup:

Go to the Learning Station Web Site for the Original Movements and Lyrics.

1. Tony Chestnut knows I love you.   Point to your toes, knees, chest, head, nose, eyes, heart and straight ahead.

2. Tony knows.  (Tony knows.) Point to your toes, knees and nose.

3. Tony Chestnut knows I love you.  Point to your toes, knees, chest, head, nose, eyes, heart and straight ahead.

4. That’s what Tony knows. Point to your toes, knees and nose.

5. Tony, Tony and his sister Eileen.  Stand and balance on one foot,  then lean to the right.

6. And Eileen loves Neil and Neil loves Pat.  Everyone lean to the right, kneel and pat your bottom.

7. But Pat still loves Bob. Bob your head up and down.

8. And there’s Russell and Skip.  Rustle up your hair, then one skip and hold a balance on one foot.

9. This song is silly, but it’s hip. Make a silly face (thumbs in ears and wiggle fingers), then stick out your right hip.

10. How it ends, just one man knows. Shake your end, hold up one finger, point to self, then flex your muscles.

11. And guess what (what), it’s Tony Chestnut.  Finger next to head (thinking).  Point to your toes, knees, chest and head.

  • Music will begin to move faster…
  • Repeat the lyrics and movements.

Tony Chestnut

From the CD, Tony Chestnut & Fun Time Action Songs

Copyright 1997, Monopoli/The Learning Station

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Frog Pond

Setup and Equipment:

  • Six groups of students are lined up relay style at one end of the gym.
  • Set a pail with beanbags at the opposite side of the gym.  Put the poly spots in a circle surrounding the the pail. Put the 5 point spots closest to the pail, the 10 point spots go next. The spots that are the most challenging are the 20 point spots which are placed the furthest out.
  • 20 points for yellow – 20 points for green
  • 10 points for red and blue
  • 5 points for purple- 5 points for orange
  • Each color team (6 teams) has it’s own beanbag and may only throw and retrieve that beanbag.


  • On the start signal one player from each team takes their beanbag to a spot and tries to throw it into the pail in center of gym. One foot may be on the spot and the the other foot must be behind the spot.
  • If the player makes it into the pail, they will pick up the poly spot and take it back to their team. If a player misses the pail, they just run and pick up the beanbag and return it to the next player on their team, then go to the end of the line.
  • Play continues until all of the spots are gone. Players may want to add up their points at the end of the game.
  • The most fun wins!
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Lesson Plan for K,1,2: Beanbags

Students Move around the Gym:

  • Start the Music – When the music stops, let your beanbag fall to the floor and stand and balance on one foot on the beanbag.
  • Use Locomotor Skills: Skipping, Slide-step, galloping, jogging, etc.
  • Variations: Carry beanbag on your: Head – Foot – Shoulder – Elbow – Back of Hand – Etc.

Teacher Leads Demonstration at Gym Homes (Personal Space): Toss beanie in the air and …

  • Throw and catch beanie 10 times,
  • Throw beanie in the air and clap once, then catch
  • Now, do 2 claps
  • 3 claps, etc.
  • Toss and catch beanie in your right hand only
  • Catch in your left hand only
  • Throw beanie in the air and turn around and catch it.
  • Put beanie on your gym home and skip around the gym without touching any beanies
  • Toss and Walk – walk around the gym:
  • Freeze: Let beanie drop to the floor and balance on it.
  • Leap: Run and leap over as many beanbags as you can.
  • Bridge: Make a bridge over the your beanbag
  • Home Beanie: Run and drop your beanie into the basket and go to your gym home.
  • Underhand Toss: Right hand throw and catch. Left hand throw and catch. Throw from right to left. Ten times each.

Beanie Partners

  • Stand  5-10 feet away from your partner. Feet are shoulder length apart.
  • When music starts, slide and/or throw the beanbag back and forth. Freeze when music stops.
    • Slide and catch.
    • Two hand throw and catch.
    • Dominant hand throw and catch.

Guards and Sliders

  • Break the class in half. One half are the guards and one half are the sliders.
  • The guards get foam targets and spread them out all around the gym floor.
  • The sliders get a beanbag and stand outside of the target area.
  • The object of the game is for the sliders to attempt to knock over and many targets as possible and the guards to stop the beanbags from knocking over their targets.
  • When a target is knocked over, guards may put them back up.
  • For those keeping score – one point for each knock down and one point for the guards for each stop.
  • Continue until music stops, then switch roles.
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Oompa Loompa Tag

Setup and Equipment:

  • Oompa Loompa Music from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Golden tickets: Yarn balls will work
  • Four to five players are chosen to be taggers.
  • Taggers have the “golden ticket” and attempt to tag the other players.


  • When a player is tagged, they lean down and hold onto their ankles and become an Oompa Loompa.
  • Now, they begin to look for other Oompa Loompas.
  • The Oompa Loompas find each other by walking while holding their ankles.
  • When two Oompa Loompas find each other they hold their hands high and make a bridge.
  • When a third Oompa Loompa walks (while holding ankles) under the bridge, then all three of these players become free and return to the game.
  • Play continues for one to two minutes.
  • The next game starts after the “old taggers” hand their golden ticket (tagging ball) to the”new taggers”.

Alternative Base: Set an area in front of each wall with cones about 10-12 feet apart and 3-4 feet in front of the wall. Students may rest for 3 seconds for a base. They can stay for 10 seconds if they move next to the wall for calf, hamstring or quad stretching.


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Dribble to 100

Equipment and Setup:

  • Floor is setup in a scattered fashion with polyspots and basketballs for dribbling. Use soccer balls for “Soccer Style Dribble to 100”.

Skill Lesson:

  • Students go to a spot and dribble a basketball ten times on ten different spots.  Soccer Style Dribble to 100: Simply trap the ball on 10 different spots.
  • After completing one hundred dribbles, go the teacher and give a High Five (fist bump, etc).
  • Begin dribbling around the outside of the dribbling area. Soccer Style Dribble to 100: Simply dribble the soccer ball around the perimeter of the gym.
  • Adjust skills by asking students to use dominant hand, non-dominant hand, and crossover dribble. Similar Variations can also be added for Soccer Style Dribble to 100.
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