Water Balloon Toss for Field Day

Setup and Equipment:

  • Small round balloons. At minimum, you could fill one balloon for every two students.
  • When we have  eight classes, fill up at lead twenty balloons for each class. That about 160 balloons. You can double that number if they break easily.
  • Fill balloons so that they would be easy to throw and catch fit in the palm of one hand.
  • Fill the balloons ahead of the event and store in pails or laundry baskets.


  • Make two lines: One line is the stationary line and one is the rotating line. Do these lines for third grades and above.
  • Line up red and blue teams next to each other in one line.
  • Line up yellow and green in another line facing the other line about shoulder width apart.
  • The person across from you will be your partner. Adjust the lines, so that everyone has a partner.
  • Walk down the line and hand one water balloon to everyone in one of the lines.
  • Do not throw the balloon until the signal from the leader.
  • When the leader gives the signal, throw the water balloon forward and back.
  • Take a step back and toss the water balloon again, forward and back.
  • Wait for the leader to signal when it is time to move back one step.
  • Then, wait for the leader’s signal before throwing the next water balloon.
  • Continue as long as you can!
  • For the older kids add having the rotating line move down one person after each toss.
  • The person at the end, then runs to the beginning and has a new partner to toss to.

      The Most Fun Is Still Winning!



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