Course Info – Syllabus

Syllabus: Physical Education for Diverse Learners

  • CRN 12021 EDST 440 (Fall 2015)
  • 03 Credits  Fridays 3:00-5:50
  • Edison Elementary School 1328 E. 22nd Ave.
  • Instructor: Frank James
  • Office Hours: After class and by appointment. Contact me anytime via email:

 Course Overview

    The purpose of this course is to prepare future classroom teachers to instruct quality physical education and physical activity classes based on the Spark Physical Education Program for Grades K-5. Students will develop a foundation by learning motor and movement progressions and social and personal skills appropriate to the diverse range of K-5 students.

    The focus will be on experiential learning. During class, students will actively participate, practice teaching, and observe and provide feedback to peers. Away from class, students will observe and participate in teaching Physical Education to K-5 students.

Student Learning Outcomes

Through increased understanding of various quantity and quality guidelines and parameters in physical education students will learn how to:

  • Organize and plan a program to effectively utilize existing facilities and equipment.

  • Create an environment where all students engage in safe, enjoyable, and developmentally appropriate physical activity.

  • Develop knowledge and skills to engage students with diverse physical abilities and skill levels.

   Through the exposure to and practice of sound instructional methodology students will learn how to:

  • Instruct needed safety skills and habits.

  • Accommodate students with disabilities.

  • Foster enjoyment of physical education.

  • Improve children’s self-esteem and self-efficacy.

  • Develop competent movers and instruct useful, fitness-related skills,

  • Identify and practice nonverbal classroom management applicable to P.E. or a classroom setting.

Textbooks and Reading Materials: SparkUniversity

SPARKuniversity is a robust digital library of expert selected content from the popular SPARK physical education manuals – and a source of evidence-based learning tools created especially for majors and generalists.

SPARK was chosen as a “Selected School-Based Intervention” in the report Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance by the National Academy of Sciences SPARK was identified by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as a national model for programs designed to increase physical activity and combat childhood obesity in their report School-Based Physical Education: An Action Guide. Published by School Specialty.

 Class Participation:

As class sessions involve laboratory experiences that cannot be replicated, attendance and active participation are imperative. Students are expected to: attend each class (and stay for the duration), arrive on time and dressed for movement and be ready and willing to participate in class discussions and activities.

Weekly Schedule

  1. Week One:Gym Introduction: Introductions and beginning of the school year activities, including standard playground rules. Meet and Greet, Games: Knee Tag and Pickle Tag, Ball Frenzy Games. Spark K-2 – ASAP- Warmups and Recess Activities

  2.  Chicken Dance, and Games:, Turtle Tag , Offense/Defense & Walking Tag,Oompa Loompa Tag, Slammer . Spark 3/4/5- ASAP- Warmups and Recess Activities

  3.  Ball Skills Introduction, Partner Pass and Rotate, Dribble to 100, Dribble Train, Recycle the Basketballs and more basketball skills and activities. Large Group Games: Take A Chance, Offense/Defense (Take a Chance Style) Spark Peer Teaching

  4. The annual Ocean Week at Edison includes parachute games and activities. Spark Peer Teaching

  5. Polyspots and Hula Hoops, Hula Hoop Driving,Hoop D’jour, Hula Hoops, Arctic Wind Hoops. Spark Peer Teaching

  6.  Beanbags: Frog Pond,Beanbag Slide Tag. Disc (Frisbee) Bowling Spark Peer Teaching.

  7.  Project Adventure The Project Adventure activities were developed for P.E. by the same people who developed the original Outward Bound Program. Spark Peer Teaching.

  8.  Scooters

  9. ,Cup Stacking, Group Juggle, Jump Rope Tag,  Balloons,  Cooperative Activities with Blindfolds,Spark Peer Teaching
  10.  Spark Peer Teaching

Grade Policy:

  • 130 – 150 Points = A

  • 120 – 129  Points = B

  • 110 – 119 Points = C

  • 100 – 109 Points = C-

  • Below 99  Points  = Incomplete or Failing

Maximum Grade: A  Must have perfect attendance for an A

Grading Parameters:

  • Class Attendance and Participation: 100 Points (10 points per class) (Must sign in and out for each class and complete all in-class assignments )

  • Peer Teaching: 10 points Complete one lesson Teach lesson/activity in class with Spark Curriculum. Complete a written test/essay on blackboard.

  • P.E./Recess/Yoga Practicum: 10 Points Complete a one hour visit to visit and assist the teacher in P.E., Recess or Yoga. Complete a written test/essay for 10 points.

  • P.E./Recess/Yoga Practicum: 10 Points Complete a one hour visit to visit and assist the teacher in P.E., Recess or Yoga. Complete a written test/essay for 10 points.

  • Missed Class Practicum: 10 Points: One hour visit to PE/Recess activities followed by a written test/essay on blackboard.

  • Total Points Possible: 140 Points Absences for any reason result in a loss of 10 points. A missed class requires a practicum make-up. Students with excessive absences will fail the course.

Practicum Options:

Students in this class are required to complete two 1 hour practicums that will allow for observing/assisting in P.E. activities/sessions in an elementary school setting. There are a number of different days, times and a variety of activities to chose from to complete the required practicums. Practicums are complete when the test/essay is entered on Blackboard.


  • Option 1. Lunch Recess Practicum: On Wednesdays, the instructor of this course will be running activities in the gym for 1st – 5th grade students from 11:40 – 12:30. This will allow UO students the opportunity to observe, assist and participate in the same activities that they learned about during the Friday classes. Complete a written test/essay on Blackboard for each 1 hour practicum.

  • Option 2. P.E. Class practicum: Frank will teach classes at Edison on Wednesdays. Check Blackboard weekly for specific times. Complete a written test/essay on Blackboard for each 1 hour practicum.

  • Option 3. Yoga Practicum: Debra Gelzer leads all of Edison’s classes with yoga on Tuesdays. She teaches 30 minute classes starting at 8:40 and the last one ends at 2:40. This is a unique opportunity to see how yoga can be introduced to elementary students as young as 1st grade. She teaches from 8:35 – 2:40.  Check Blackboard for specific times. Complete a written test/essay on Blackboard for each 1 hour practicum.

  • Option 4. Alternative Site Option (Visit another School) : Some students have connections with local schools that they can visit to complete practicums. Complete a written test/essay on Blackboard for each 1 hour practicum.

Expected classroom behavior:

  • Participating in class activities

  • Respecting the diversity of cultures, opinions, viewpoints in the classroom

  • Listening to fellow students, professors, and lecturers with respect

  • Arriving on time, prepared for class

  • Attending for the duration of class; not reading other materials

  • Several options, both informal and formal are available to resolve conflicts for students who believe they have been subjected to or have witnessed bias, unfairness or other improper treatment. Within the College of Education, contact the COE Ombudsperson at /ombudsman Racist, homophobic, sexist, and other disrespectful comments will not be tolerated.

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