Effective Teaching and Management

The number one problem in the classrooms is not discipline: it is lack of authentic learning tasks, procedures, and routines”.   Harry Wong Former National Teacher of the Year.

Procedures and routines are utilized in our P.E. classes by designating a  gym home for each student. The gym home is essentially like a classroom desk where a child begins and ends their day.  The Edison gym is set up to visually facilitate classroom management through walls that are painted with the four primary colors and color coded squares on the floor that are the  ”gym homes”. for each student. The floor is designed by spacing out squares in six lines, with each line a different color team. Once they know where their gym home is all the teacher has to do is say the words, “gym home” and students know exactly where to go. The color teams allow for the teacher to quickly break the class in half or assign each color team to a station (when there are six stations). Creating this kind of  predictable environment empowers students and leads to better learning outcomes.

82 % of teaching communication is nonverbal   Patrick Miller NEA Research

With the level of excitement and the amount of movement in the gym, it is essential for the teacher to have some nonverbal cues to immediately move students. Traditionally,  blowing a whistle or raising your voice is used to get the attention of the class.  In this class you will learn how to use music as a major component of classroom management in the gym. The teacher introduces what the students will be expected to do whenever they hear a certain the song. The students may need to practice or role play the particular skill. For example, when it is time to pick new “its” for a game, the music changes to a different song (I find that popular movie themes work well).  Once the students know the cue, the transition is often completed without verbal directions from the teacher. Whenever a teacher is able to utilize nonverbal cues to manage behavior, their voice is saved for teaching.

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