Arctic Wind Hoops

Setup and Equipment:

  • Each member of a Color Team (red, purple, green, yellow, orange, green) stands inside of a hula hoop that is the same color as their team (if possible).
  • Hula Hoops are spread around the floor.
  • Students move their hoops by making short steps from within their hoops.


  • The teacher calls out a color team and announces that this color team is the “Arctic Wind”.
  • This designated color team attempts to tag others by bumping their hoop into a different color hoop.
  • Once a hoop is tagged that student stands frozen with arms extended.
  • They may be unfrozen with a “high five” or a hoop tap from one of the teams that is not the “Arctic Wind”.
  • Each turn will take one-two minutes.
  • Continue until everyone has a turn.
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