Tug of War
- One Tug of War rope that has four ropes that are red, blue, yellow and green.
- Cones are set up around in a 4 foot square with one cone in the center.
- Each color team lines up and holds their color team’s rope.
Potato Sack Relays
- 4 Potato sacks
- 4 cones: red, blue, yellow, green
- Red cone is 10-15 feet across from yellow – that’s one team
- Blue Cone is 10-15 feet across from green – that’s the other team
- Line up relay style behind the cones. (Shorter distance to start (10-15 feet)
Pass the Ball: Team Relays
- One red, blue, yellow, and green cone. Balls: Playground, Medicine, Other shapes and sizes
- Teams line up behind the cone of their color team for directions
Tkouchball Bounce
- Four balls: Playground Balls (any kind will work)
- Two to Four Tchoukball Goals
- Four Cones or Polyspots that match our red, blue, yellow, and green teams. Line up behind your color facing the goals.
Fill the Bucket
- Four Cones for red, blue, yellow, green teams.
- Water faucet and hose near this station.
- Large container for holding water to dip from.
- Four Pails for filling
- Cups for dipping and passing the water.
- Line up behind cones that match color team
Water Balloon Toss
- Water balloons filled with water. The smaller size works fine. Fill and store in laundry baskets.