Limbo and Hula Hoops

Limbo dancing is a dance that is originally from the island of Trinidad, although Hawaii is often mistakenly referred to as the birthplace of the Limbo dance.


 Setup and Equipment.

  • Limbo Pole 3 ft.
  • Limbo Music
  • Single file line starting with the Green, followed by yellow, blue, then red


  1. Stand two feet from the stick, bend your knees, and lean backwards so your chest is facing up. Inch your way toward the stick
  2. Shimmy your body back and forth while leaning backwards. Try not to touch the stick or lean forward.
  3. Once you’ve made it through, you may circle around back to the end of the line and try going lower.
  4. When you  miss (everyone will eventually!) Just cheer on your classmates or try some hula hoop tricks.

Depending on Time: Leaders might want to have the Yellow and Green teams do the limbo and the Red and Blue teams hula hoop for a couple of minutes, then switch. 

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